
Nov 21, 2024

Exciting News: CURIOO Expands into Africa with CURIOOedu Partnership!

CURIOO is very pleased to announce the formal signing of an agreement with UAE based CURIOOEDU CO. L.L.C for the development of over 25 CURIOOkids learning Studios across Africa in the next 5 years.

All of us at CURIOO are super excited to provide our high-quality, relevant and super fun Future Skills learning platform to young people in Africa. The benefits of bi-lingual learning in combination with the development of learning behaviours and Future Skills is essential for this generation. By providing young people with the skills to learn and the ability to apply their knowledge to the real-world, drives us to improve our programs and delivery every day. Real world skills = real world results!

We warmly wish the CURIOOEDU team great success in their development and we look forward to working together to positively impact the lives of young people in Africa.